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Kurumi's Gym
Texas has the most 2-digit interstates that are also standard barbell plates: 10, 35, 45.
I-345 (not signed as interstate) Texas (link)

I-345 isn't signed, but has appeared in some maps, including
this 1971 Texaco inset (Gousha).
1.40 miles [ 1 ]; Interstate 345 is the official, but unsignposted,
number for the north-south freeway connecting I-45 and I-30 to US 75 and
Spur 366 in downtown Dallas.
The northbound lanes are signed US 75, and the southbound lanes are
signed as I-45. Locals call it "the I-45 overhead" (it's elevated for its
entire length) or the Julius Schepps Freeway. [2 ]
Interstate 345 was approved for the Interstate system on Oct. 15, 1964. [3 ] [5 ]
The first lanes opened in July 1971 and all of I-345 was scheduled to open
by the end of that year. [6 ]
In July 2002, Dallas leaders were discussing clarifying
some area highways by adding numerical route markers -- and this could
include signs for I-345. [4 ]
See also:
- Route Log and Finder List - Interstate Highways, FHWA, Oct. 31, 2002.
- Stanek, David. (Texas roads)
- "Questionable Basis for Approving Certain Auxiliary Route Segments Of The Interstate Highway System." FHWA and DOT, July 1970 (via Stephen Summers, Jan. 26, 2002).
- "Road Names Honor Texas Leaders." Dallas Morning News, "Road Runner" column (Tony Hartzel), July 7, 2002.
- Texas Department of Transportation. Interstate 345 Highway Designation File. (26 Sept. 2003)
- Slotboom, Erik. "Re: I(H)-45 in Dallas." Online posting, misc.transport.road, 5 July 2004.-45 in Dallas/5 July 2004)